Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tel Aviv, February 2009

the sunset on Racheli's birthday. i was standing in the middle of the street when i took this picture. HA!

Tamar and i, on the way to the bus stop. Nina is taking the picture.

a typical *band* on a typical Saturday in Tel Aviv / Yafo. about 5 minutes from Rico and Racheli's home.

the Lookout Point, which scared me to death, since i'm scared of heights! about 5 minutes from Rico and Racheli's home.

Rico, with part of the Tel Aviv Riviera in the background. about 5 minutes from Rico and Racheli's home.

remnants of the Ottoman jain, established in the 19th century, to hold rebel Arabs. about 5 minutes from Rico and Racheli's home.
the Tel Aviv Riviera. about 5 minutes from Rico and Racheli's home.

the Yafo Boardwalk. about 5 minutes from Rico and Racheli's home.

view of Tel Aviv from the Yafo Boardwalk. about 5 minutes from Rico and Racheli's home.

The Yafo Clock Tower. about 5 minutes from Rico and Racheli's home.

Racheli's 23rd birthday party, in Oren's tiny apartment. there are 5 other people in the apartment that can't be seen in the picture.

one of Sunny's tattoos :-)

the remnants of the British something-or-other in Yafo.

goofing around, as always.

the beautiful cake that Sunny make Racheli. it says *Racheli* and the butterflies are made of Tweel.

get this... an EGG shop in the middle of a very busy commercial street in Tel Aviv !! :-)

this huge dog was just haning out with his owner.

an example of the many corner shops in Tel Aviv. this is a produce stand.

another sample of *the corner store*... this one is a spice store.

my adorable Nina and Tamar, as we go to Tel Aviv

i've been so sick...

i've been so sick that i can't even be on the computer for more than a few minutes at a time.

it's a combination of the flu and bronchitis, and it's just not leaving me alone.

actually, today, tuesday, i'm finally feeling somewhat better, but i still feel a bit weak and like i need more rest.

so.... i won't be on here too often, until after the move next sunday.

in the meantime, enjoy some of the pictures that i took while i was in tel aviv for Raceli's birthday.

peace out everyone :-) !!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

check out those kids of mine !!!

take a look at the kids, on the right-hand side of this page.

aren't they just the most beautiful people you've ever seen??

and what about Racheli and that killer body !! YIKES :-)

week 7, day 7 -- Shabbat, feb 7th

food for the day:

meal #1 -- 1 cup steel-cut oalmeal with 1/2 cup skim mink, dab of butter, pinch of ground cinnamon (yummers), 6oz cottage cheese, 5 prunes

meal #2 -- smoothie

meal #3 -- 1 large schnitzel with 2 cups whole wheat spaghettie -- Nina made this yesterday and it's delicious !!

meal #4 -- smoothie

walk(s) for the day:

** only one walk, just going in whatever direction i feel like going when i leave the apartment

activites for the day:

** only knitting all day long
** working on the website for a few hours after Shabbat goes out this evening
** 30 minutes of physical therapy

onward and upward !! :-)

week 7, day 6 -- friday, feb 6th

another great day. walked for about 1.5 hours and ate very good. Nina made us a delicious Shabbat dinner :-)

onward and upward !! :-)

week 7, day 5 -- thursday, feb 5th

a great day!! good on food, good on walking, good on working on the website and my knitting project.

sorry that i keep forgetting to post my daily thing.

onward and upward !! :-)

week 7, day 4 -- wednesday, feb 4th

everything was good. i just forgot to post my daily thing because i've been too busy with other things.

onward and upward !! :-)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

week 7, day 3 -- tuesday, feb 3rd

food for the day:

meal #1 -- 1 cup steel-cut oalmeal with 1/2 cup skim mink, dab of butter, pinch of ground cinnamon (yummers), 6oz cottage cheese, 5 prunes

meal #2 -- smoothie

meal #3 -- roasted chicken with roasted veggies on a bed of brown rice.

meal #4 -- smoothie

walk(s) for the day:

** only one walk, coming home from the meeting with a new client -- ended up walking 3 hours !!!

activites for the day:

** lots of work on my website !!! -- done
** 45 minutes of physical therapy exercises -- done
** knit/crochet in the late evening, when i'm off the computer
-- done. Racheli's afghan is coming along nicely :-)

onward and upward !! :-)

Monday, February 2, 2009

to my Big Sister....

i got your message on FaceBook. interesting read, to say the least :-)

i'll write to you soon!

big hugs and sloppy kisses

Sunday, February 1, 2009

some of these are GREAT !!!

week 7, day 2 -- monday, feb 2nd

a PERFECT DAY !!! :-)


food for the day:

meal #1 -- 1 cup steel-cut oalmeal with 1/2 cup skim mink, dab of butter, pinch of ground cinnamon (yummers), 6oz cottage cheese, 5 prunes

meal #2 -- smoothie

meal #3 -- roasted chicken with roasted veggies on a bed of brown rice.

meal #4 -- smoothie

walk(s) for the day:

** only one walk, going up to the shopping center and one lap around the park before coming home -- done

activites for the day:

** lots of work on my website !!! -- done
** 45 minutes of physical therapy exercises -- done
** knit/crochet in the late evening, when i'm off the computer
-- done
** cooking as much as humanly possible under the circumstances -- done
** cleaning up that insanely wild kitchen !! -- done

onward and upward !! :-)

17 hours later....

enough for one day !!

i'm starting to see everything in double HTML and i still have a few hours of knitting to do.

ta ta to the site for now, hello yarn !! :-)

FINALLY getting work done on the website...

it's about time that i sat down and worked like a real business person is *suppose* to work.

i'm almost ready to launch the site. never mind that the official launch was scheduled for today... oh well.

i'm SO happy with the progress i've made today.

oh !! i also received all the material for a new advertising client :-) how cool is that? more money will be coming in soon.

i have a meeting on Tuesday morning with another client, who will give me her advertising material. YAY !!

one step at a time i'm building up the ourmodiin.co.il business, thank God.

onward and upward !!!

peace out everyone :-)

week 7, day 1 -- sunday, feb 1st

food for the day:

meal #1 -- 1 cup steel-cut oalmeal with 1/2 cup skim mink, dab of butter, pinch of ground cinnamon (yummers), 6oz cottage cheese, 5 prunes

meal #2 -- smoothie

meal #3 -- 1 large sloppy Joe sandwich, made with homemade ground chicken breast and fresh tomatoe sauce, 2 large slices of grilled Challah, a bit of cheddar cheese, small garden salad.

meal #4 -- smoothie

walk(s) for the day:

** no walk today, but i will start again tomorrow.

activites for the day:

** lots of work on my website ALL DAY LONG !!! -- done, done and more done... 17 hours of work done today YIKES @!@$%%
** 45 minutes of physical therapy exercises -- done
** knit/crochet in the late evening, when i'm off the computer -- done. about 3 hours late at night.

onward and upward !! :-)