Saturday, December 27, 2008

week 2, day 1

another good day... even got all the appointments made :-)


food for the day:

meal #1 -- 1 cup steel-cut oatmeal with 1/2 cup skim milk, 2 boiled eggs, large cup of green tea

meal #2 -- smoothie

meal #3 -- 2 cups whole wheat pasta with homemade sauce that includes very lean chicken dogs, fresh tomatoes, fresh red bell peppers, lots of fresh garlic and chopped up basil. small garden salad -- change of plans because i didn't cook today. i'm just having a clone of meal #1.

meal #4 -- smoothie

walk(s) for the day:

** 1st walk, walk up our street and over to the post office. i need to pick up some packages for Rico. -- didn't even come *close* to even thinking about a walk since i got up so late

** possible 2nd walk, will be done heading down our street and to the mall. i'll also be walking around the mall for awhile, taking pictures of all the new shops. -- not happening this evening. i'm way off on my day because of sleeping problems.

activites for the day:

** FINISH clien'ts website. this has to be done, or else. -- nope
** knit as much as i can after the website is complete. -- yes.
** telephone errands -- make appointments for MRI, physical therapy, surgeon and anesthesiologist. -- all done. i even remembered to schedule the ECCO test i need to do

onward and upward !!~ :-)

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