Saturday, March 14, 2009

week 2, day 1 -- sunday, march 15th

food for the day:

meal #1 -- 1
cup steel-cut oalmeal with 1/2 cup skim mink, dab of butter, pinch of ground cinnamon (yummers), 6oz cottage cheese, 5 prunes

meal #2 -- smoothie

meal #3 -- stuffed vegetables

meal #4 -- smoothie

walk(s) for the day:

only one walk, going up to the shopping center and one lap around the park before coming home

activites for the day:

** lots and lots of work on my website all day long
** 20 minutes of PT
** lots of knitting in the evening

onward and upward !! :-)

week 1, day 7 -- saturday, march 14th

food for the day:

meal #1 -- 1.5 cups branflakes, 1 cup skim milk, 15 almonds, 5 prunes, large cup of green tea

meal #2 -- smoothie

meal #3 -- pasta with homemade sauce

meal #4 -- smoothie

walk(s) for the day:

complete rest for the day.

activites for the day:

** only knitting and watching tv all day long
** cook in the evening, after Shabbat goes out

onward and upward !! :-)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

week 1, day 5 -- thursday, march 12th

a fantastic day!! we found the most perfect school for Tamar :-)


food for the day:

meal #1 -- 1.5 cups branflakes, 1 cup skim milk, 15 almonds, 5 prunes, large cup of green tea

meal #2 -- smoothie

meal #3 -- pasta with homemade sauce. garden salad

meal #4 -- smoothie

walk(s) for the day:

** 1 walk, walking all over the place when we go to Jerusalem -- walked too terribly much

activites for the day:

** work on my website for a few hours in the morning -- done
** go to the bank and then to Jerusalem. i'm not looking forward to these activities.
-- done
** work from 6pm till midnight -- nope. i was too tired.
** send out at least 35 previews
-- nope.
** get at least 1 order (it's going to happen )
-- nope.

onward and upward !! :-)

week 1, day 4 -- wed, march 11th

a very good day !! very, very productive and fun :-)


food for the day:

meal #1 -- 1.5 cups branflakes, 1 cup skim milk, 15 almonds, 5 prunes, large cup of green tea

meal #2 -- smoothie

meal #3 -- stuffed bell peppers and green cabbage. stuffing is brown rice and ground beef. sauce includes lots of tomatoes, garlic and cilantro.

meal #4 -- smoothie

walk(s) for the day:

** 1 walk, up to the center, around the upper park, down to the lower park and back home. should take about 1 hour. -- done

activites for the day:

** work on my website for a few hours in the morning -- done
** knit a bit for my mid-day break
-- done
** work from 3pm till midnight
-- done
** send out at least 35 previews-- done.... got 45 out !! yay me !!
** get at least 1 order (it's going to happen )-- sadly no order came in

onward and upward !!:-)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

week 1, day 3 -- tuesday, march 10th

food for the day:

meal #1 -- 1.5 cups branflakes, 1 cup skim milk, 15 almonds, 5 prunes, large cup of green tea

meal #2 -- smoothie

meal #3 -- 1 cup brown rice, 2 chicken hot dogs, grilled vegetables

meal #4 -- smoothie

walk(s) for the day:

** 1 walk, up to the center, around the upper park, down to the lower park and back home. should take about 1 hour.

activites for the day:

** work on my website for a few hours in the morning
** knit a bit for my mid-day break
** work from 3pm till midnight
** send out at least 35 previews
** get at least 1 order (it's going to happen )

onward and upward !! :-)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

week 1, day 2 -- monday, march 9th -- Papi's Birthday :-)))



an absolutely WONDERFUL day was had by one and all. i had a great talk with my Papi late in the evening. he's so great :-)


food for the day:

meal #1 -- 1 cup steel-cut oalmeal with 1/2 cup skim mink, dab of butter, pinch of ground cinnamon (yummers), 6oz cottage cheese, 5 prunes

meal #2 -- smoothie

meal #3 -- roasted chicken and veggies. 1 cup brown rice. very small garden salad.

meal #4 -- smoothie

walk(s) for the day:

** 1 walk, up to the center, around the upper park, down to the lower park and back home. should take about 1 hour. -- nope. didn't have the time.

activites for the day:

** work on my website for a few hours in the morning -- done
** knit a bit for my mid-day break -- done. even knitted for awhile after work.
** 20 minutes of physical therapy -- nope. no time.
** work from 3pm till midnight -- done
** send out at least 35 previews -- done. got 41 preview out :-)))
** get at least one order !! :-))) (it's going to happen) -- done. YAY for me.

onward and upward !! :-)

Friday, March 6, 2009

week 1, day 1 -- sunday. march 8th

yep, i'm starting this again... and with tons of renewed energies after all that sickness nonsense. here we go..........

food for the day:

meal #1 -- 1 cup steel-cut oalmeal with 1/2 cup skim mink, dab of butter, pinch of ground cinnamon (yummers), 6oz cottage cheese, 5 prunes

meal #2 -- smoothie

meal #3 -- roasted chicken and veggies. 1 cup brown rice. very small garden salad.

meal #4 -- smoothie

walk(s) for the day:

** 1 walk, up to the center, around the upper park, down to the lower park and back home. should take about 1 hour. -- done

activites for the day:

** work on my website for a few hours in the morning
-- done
** knit for a few hours in the evening
- - done
** 20 minutes of physical therapy
-- done
** keep laundry going -- done

onward and upward !! :-)