Sunday, August 24, 2008

still sick

yuck. blah. and yuck again.

i'm still in the throws of an MS Vertigo bout. not nice. not good. i'll just have to wait it out though since there really isn't anything i can do about it.

i thank everyone who has sent prayers, good healing vibes, and notes to me :-) it really makes a huge difference when so many people care.

i have to get off the computer now since i feel like i'm going to pass out any second now.

i'll try to post again in a few days.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

ouch !

i just fell in the kitchen. again, another incidence of me not seeing what's in my path.

at least i didn't hit my head this time :-) only my right knee and right wrist. it really hurts to fall on these tile floors. no spring in them whatsoever.

good thing i can keep working though. i got up kind of late, didn't even go to my treatment and things have been generally slow today.

i still have that strange feeling in the pit of my stomach that i'm forgetting to do something very important. you know that feeling? i've had it for the past week or so and it's staring to make me crazy. my anxiety levels are rising each day and it's not good for me. i just wish i could *know* what it is that my mind thinks i'm forgetting to do.

ouch !

oh, by the way, i didn't not go to the treatment today because of the problems i had yesterday. i actually felt just fine yesterday after i took my dizziness medicine and some pain killers. i'm just hoping that my body can hold up until monday, when i WILL go for my treatment.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

not feeling too well today

i don't know what's up, but my head is acting strange again. some pressure in the back of my skull, some dizziness and some brain-fog.

i'm now wondering if i should go to my treatment tomorrow. i have no idea what to do. maybe i'll call Kaufman this afternoon, but i don't think he works on monday tuesday afternoons.

i guess i just have to play it by ear and see how i feel tonight. as much as i don't want to go for the treatment, i more don't want to push my *luck* and postpone the treatment and then get another Optic Neuritis attack !!

i'm just going to pray :-)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

i'm getting there, i'm getting there, i'm getting there !!!

oh, WOW !!! i'm now down to 5 pages of listings for the business directory. i started at 27 pages a few days ago :-)

i can't believe i'm almost done with it. only thing is that once it's done, i'll have to then tackle the bus schedules...... big yuck !!

it's only the 10th of the month and that means that i WILL get the site up by the end of the month. i just can't believe it :-) :-)

of course, it'll always be growing, and i'll need to work on it on a daily basis (probably 4-5 hours a day), but the foundation will be done and then the real fun part starts of making it interactive with the community. that's my dream and it looks like it'l come true soon.

YAY !!!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Rico in Barcelona

Rico, trying out one of his new cameras
click on image to enlarge

for the past few months Rico has been getting into photography more and more. he has also been *bitten* by the black & white photography bug that i have had for 30+ years. he has the eye of a true artist. his work is just amazing. he does both digital and film photography, even dabbing a bit into the black & white darkroom, which was one of my passions about 1 million years ago.

i'm just so proud of him for picking up a camera and seeing the beauty in very simple, everyday things. he posts some of his best work on an Israeli site, that way we can see what he tells us about on the phone.

my son, the artist :-)

Sunny in Barcelona

yes, my kids are a bit srange :-)
yes, that's half of her head shaved, like i do with all my head about once every six weeks. i just wish she didn't have those headphones on so we could see her whole beautiful face !!
scroll down a few posts to see Racheli in China.

another day, another ......????????

i worked another 7 hours today. i'm pretty impressed with myself this week. i'm getting to bed before 1am and getting up by 8am. i get on the computer right away and then work until i just get sick of looking at the HTML pages. this seems reasonable to me, no?

so far, i've completed about 1/3 of the business directory. it's going much faster than i thought it would. and definitely much, much faster than the stupid bus schedules.

about those tricky bus schedules.... the problem is that there are so many stops on the bus lines that go into cities that i just don't know. i mean, who knows anything about Petach Tikva? give me a break !! i found the website for the City of Petach Tikva and was able to figure out the bus stops using the map in hebrew. but then there are bus lines that cross a few cities and i just don't know what the hell is going on !!! i'm going to have to find our Thomas Guide of Israel, wherever it may be hiding. once i have that in my hands the whole bus schedule issue will be much easier.

my plan is to work at least 5 hours each day of the weekend. i don't want to over-do it though. i don't want to find myself sick and tired of the whole thing before it's *done*.

here's to another very successful day :-)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

and moving right along.....

oh yeah !! these past few days have been sizzling with work on the site :-) i have gotten so much done, it's hard to believe.

i really do think that it'll be ready by the end of the month.

yay for me !!!

Racheli in China

Racheli, somewhere in Shanghai
click on image to enlarge

i finally got a picture from China-girl. so far, this is the only one that she's been able to send me, because she's been so sick these past few days.

i hope that she sends, or posts, more soon !!

i'm jealous ;-)

Monday, August 4, 2008

what's going on here?

i don't have my computer all to myself and i'm getting really pissed about the whole thing !@!@!

Tamar won't clean up her room enough to be able to call the tech guy in. there's no way in the world that i'm letting him into that room. but in the meantime, i'm the one that's suffering. i'm just not able to say *no* to them when they ask me for the computer. i think i'll just have to say the *n* word and tell them that there is no computer until the room is fixed.

i've got so much work to do on the site. i'm stuck in a never-ending hole of bus schedules. they just don't end. at least i figured out the Java Script that was causing some trouble on some pages :-) i always feel good when i figure out a problem.

we now have a guest... Cookie. she's a beautiful 6-month-old rabbit that Nina is suppose to take care of for 3 weeks. Tomi almost had a heart attack when he saw me petting Cookie last night. poor little thing barked so much that he scared Cookie !! then they were both shaking for about 20 minutes.

gotta go, Morse is on :-)

Saturday, August 2, 2008

a day off

since i was awake until after 3am with a horrible gallbladder attack (yes, again), i slept in till about 4pm this afternoon. and since i didn't get up in time to *tag* the computer, i wasn't allowed on it for hours and hours.

this turned out to be a very good thing in the end. i really needed a break from the website. working on all those bus schedules for days upon days just got to me. tomorrow i'll get up before the girls and they won't be able to get me off the computer very easily ;-)

besides, i'm having their computer fixed on Sunday, so the whole problem will be solved within a couple of days. i just wish i didn't have this extra expense now. i need every penny i have to tide me over until we start getting advertising money.

speaking of advertising...... Mari is really excited about the whole thing. we spoke about the site, our sales strategy, etc., and i'm positive that she's going to do very good with sales.

anyway, it's 2:30am and i'm too tired to write anymore. i'll be on the computer for hours and hours tomorrow :-)