Starting Position
Stand facing away from a wall, with your back against the wall. Plant your feet 12" in front of your body with a shoulder width stance, toes pointing forward. This exercise can be used with or without dumbbells.Action
Leaning against the wall, lower your body until your knees are flexed at a 90 degree angle. Hold this position for two seconds. Your weight should be on your heels, not your toes, and your knees should not cross the plane of your toes. Except to check your knee position, keep your head in a neutral position, looking straight ahead. Extend your legs to elevate your body back to the starting position.Special Instructions
Don't lock your knees when you extend your legs back to the starting position.Skater Squats
Starting Position
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, hands on hips or behind back.Action
Squat down slightly, bending from the knees, keeping abs tight.EXHALE: Lift left leg to side as you bend right knee to squat. Hold for 1-3 counts.
INHALE: Bring leg back to center (keeping legs bent in the squat position). Straighten legs to come out of the squat.
Repeat on opposite side for one rep.
Special Instructions
Don't let knee of squatting leg go past toes. Lean slightly forward. Hold a chair or wall for balance if necessary.Lateral Lunges
Starting Position
Begin by standing with your feet shoulder width apart, hands on hips.Action
INHALE: Step out to the right and shift your body weight over your right leg, squatting to a 90 degree angle at the right knee. Try to sit down with your butt, keeping your back as upright as possible.EXHALE: Push off and bring your right leg back to center to complete one rep. Finish all reps on this side, and repeat on left side to complete one set.
Special Instructions
Keep your weight on your heels and make sure your knees don't go over the plane of your toes. Hold your arms out in front of you to help with balance.Single Leg Squats With Chair
Starting Position
Stand behind chair; hold back of chair for balance. Lift right leg off ground, keeping left leg slighly bent.Action
INHALE: Bend left leg to squat. Hold for 1-3 counts.EXHALE: Straighten leg and return to start.
Complete all reps and switch legs.
Special Instructions
Don't let knee of squatting leg go past toes. Keep upper body straight and avoid leaning forward as you squat down.Calf Rocking With Chair
Starting Position
Stand with knees slightly bent, feet hip-width apart.Action
Slowly lift heels, rolling onto toes (but not tiptoes). Lower. Shift weight into heels and lift toes off floor to complete one rep.Special Instructions
Hold onto a chair or wall if you need help balancing. Keep breathing steady.Lying Single-Leg Raises
Starting Position
Lie on back with right leg straight and left leg bent so foot is flat on the ground. Relax head and neck on mat or ground. Arms should be placed to your side.Action
Lift right leg to the top of the left knee, keeping the right leg straight. Hold for 2 seconds and return to starting position. Complete number of repetitions and alternate.Special Instructions
Perform in a slow and smooth motion.each exercise is done in 2 sets with 12-15 reps each time.
stretching after all the sets are done.
YAY !!! onward and upward !!! :-))
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