Wednesday, June 25, 2008


who is Elissa? what is Elissa?

i *met* Elissa on the DietWatch boards some years ago... i have no idea how many years ago. she could probably tell us all the exact date.

from the very beginning she was a ray of sunshine. a warm, open person with such kindness and compassion. it was a bit difficult to believe, mostly because most people just aren't like that anymore... especially to complete strangers.

what is Elissa? now this is the most fun. she is intelligent. she is clever. she is a bit reserved with her own self, yet reaches out in a subtle and kind manner. she is loving; something that comes through so clearly when she speaks of her beloved *kids* (her pets). she is funny, really funny.... a dry wit that i just love.

i look forward to her daily posts, and really, really miss her when she's not around due to her many interesting commitments. she is a teacher. she's a wiz with statistics, something that just makes my jaw drop. i swear to God, she's attached to Excel at the hip ;-)

she is generous, almost to a fault. she gives of herself in such a compelling manner. you can't get away from her caring eye, her soft voice, her golden touch.

Elissa........ someone very dear to me :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG, Adri, I never saw this when you posted it originally and "fate" just led me here today! Thank you so, so much for these kind (too kind!). You bring tears to my eyes. I am printing this out so I can look at it when I feel low. Thank you so much!!!

Love, -Elissa