Thursday, January 8, 2009

week 3, day 5 -- jan 8th

food for the day:

meal #1 -- 1 cup steel-cut oalmeal with 1/2 cup skim mink, dab of butter, pinch of ground cinnamon (yummers), 6oz cottage cheese, 5 prunes

meal #2 -- smoothie

meal #3 -- 2 honey-garlic roasted chicken legs, 1/2 cup roasted potatoes, small garden salad

meal #4 -- smoothie

walk(s) for the day:

** 1st walk, up to the shopping center and one lap around the park. i'll take my camera with me. -- done at 6am !!

** possible 2nd walk, will be done heading down our street to the mall. i'll be taking the camera with me in the early evening, catching some pics of the wonderful views. -- nope. i was too tired.

activites for the day:

** work on my client's website. -- a bit.
** work on my website for a few hours -- nope
** knit for a long time -- yes ! doggie blanket all done :-)
** 20 minutes of physical therapy -- yep... even 30 minutes.

onward and upward !! :-)

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