Tuesday, July 1, 2008

finally healthy :-)

yeah. that's right ! i'm finally healthy :-) no more dizziness, no more brain pressure, no more nausea, no more anything stupid or strange.

i start up again with work tomorrow, July 1st. i'm excited. especially since i already have an order waiting for me. turns out that a client that placed an order last week wants to purchase another plaque and he will do it only through me. he's such a nice man. really funny and all that.

anyway, turns out that Helen already told me that i get to keep all my clients and that i'll be able to get this new order tomorrow... YAY !! what a good way to start out a new month.

i finally went to our new mall yesterday with Mari. WOW! i must say that we are luck to have such an elegant mall right down the street from us. it has all the great shops that i would never buy anything at, but at least they exist. there is a really nice, large and clean food court with my very favorite place in the world *Pinati*. it's a very long story with Pinati, dating back to my days in Ulpan (hebrew school) some 25+ years ago. how time fliew when you're not looking.

Kaufman (my family dr) gave me the okay to go back to the gym next sunday. boy am i looking forward to that. i'm dying to get in the pool. with this weather i am melting, but the fat isn't going away. strange how that works, no?

i haven't been on Shindler's List for days and i can only imagine that there is yet another incipid argument going on there once again. i'll tackle it tomorrow. i need to find a second-hand treadmill for Mari and a 17" computer screen for the girls' computer. at least the list is good for something most of the time. (note to self: sign up for the other Shindler's Lists tomorrow !!)

oh, we have a new puppy. as i type this he is chewing on my socks and toes. he's starting to make me crazy, but i'll put up with him since it's time we have a dog again. he's adorable. can't even begin to describe him since he's still a standard-issue puppy. i'll have the girls take some pictures and i'll post them here.

time to get back in front of the fan before i bring on another MS-something-bout. this heat is killing me and i can't afford an air conditioner !!!!!!!!!!!!!! we'll i can purchase one, but the electricity bills would kill me more than the heat.

take care everyone. remember... there's nothing more important than you're health !!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


It is *terrific* to learn you are doing better. And I hope it lasts for a long time.

Love ya!